Thursday, August 28, 2008


Well, merdeka day is just around the corner. I'm proud to be malaysian but not so happy bout the situation rite now. Politician are still fighting each other and still killing each other. But wut will happen to us as a citizen? Demm!! they are so fuckin ignorance and yet still acting like they are not guilty at all. Feels like i wanna shout infront of their mafuckin face "F**K YOU!!!!" Now i just hav to wait for another hour to see wut kind of budget this time.

Life is so f**kin miserable this lately, don't like ma f**kin post this time? U just f**k outta here. U know wut im sayin? F**K off..

p/s : This entry is for nobodies, just for me.. im just having a f**kin bad times this few days. But still, need to get back ma f**kin mood cause it's a nice day to be alive.

p/s lagi : sori merepek melalut.. aku sendri pun tak paham apa aku taip sebenarnya :(


Miss Reen said...

jgn memarah weh..
bulan poser dah nie..

H said...

banyak nye F word, bang.
nak tiru bleh?

btw, i'm too...
having a fucking mandom days for the past 2 weeks.
and i just dunno what the fuck am i supposed to do anymore.
and i'm just so fucking tired and exhausted with all these fucking stupid feelings.

haih, there u go...
i feel a bit relieved throwing lotsa F words.

Mr_Aries said...

reen : seb baik aku post seblom posa :)

hahaha kenit

u so fuckin nice gal, why waste?

mine is just temporary :)

Oyin said...

gi kawen jer lh muahahahahaa