For the people out there. Don't get jealous with the photo. And don't get mad when u see the EPL chart rite now. It just too good to be true. With the young player's and small budget. Win 10 matches without lost any game. Argghhh..too good when the season begin. To ayen, what happen to ur team bro? and for MU fans.. back off!!! and to cik kambeng if u read this. Im sorry for what happen to ur team Chelsea and dont get jealous with my team ok?
And for muslim all over the world (macam la blog aku nie satu dunia yang baca walhal dua tiga kerat orang jer) wishing u happy hari raya idulfitri. It's the winning days for muslim after fasting for a months. So kususun 10 jari memohom maaf dari kalian andai pernah ku terkasar bahasa tersilap perkataan terpeluk cium tergeget manja terluah kata cinta sayang termakan minum dan termacam2 lagi yang demm giler aku tatau nak sumbat dalam nie. And for the loves one. Errkk...sori.. yang nie aku blom ada lagik...hahaha prasan dowhh. maafkan aku zahir dan batin. And do remember. U guyz is always in my heart cause without u fren. Life is not a nice day to be alive kan?
So. keep on smiling faces and keep on moving. No matter how hard or how far u will go with just one thing in ur mind. It's a nice day to be alive. :)
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