Sunday.. in the world of competition.. where all ur contenders is aggressive enough and u also hav to be aggressive. Sometime things like lack of motivation is always comes to us. So we hav to fight and be cool..just laid back n doesn't mean we surrender. And this song is for meself. :)
Jimmy Eat World - The Middle
good song back in 2001 to lift someone up, even in troubled times like this when we need these kinda lyrics in the songs to lift up the spirits.....
And for the people out there whose lack of motivation.. listen to this song and u gonnabe ok..
Just remember.. it's a nice day to be alive.. :)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Commercial Break Part 5
This is one of my fav also...
There's nothing to remember and there's nothing to hide. And i did not dedicated this song to anybody. Just for meself.. Enjoy this song
Alhamdulillah - Too Phat
Alhamdulillah.. Thanks Allah to keep me breathing and alive.
There's nothing to remember and there's nothing to hide. And i did not dedicated this song to anybody. Just for meself.. Enjoy this song
Alhamdulillah - Too Phat
Alhamdulillah.. Thanks Allah to keep me breathing and alive.
Heavy rain and non stop for the whole days. Supposed to play bowling with a couple of me frens. But then i hav to cancelled so i've changing my plan. Just hanging out lepaking at mapley then watching movie around 9. Die Hard 4.0 and like always, the heroes is always hard to die or will never never die? But its ok la... as long i fill my days with couple of my fren than staying at my club.
And Yesterday is also my very first time since Februari, im sleeping at home for this year. Because before this i used to sleep somewhere outside, but cant tell u where laaa.. just my closest friends know where it is. :)
And im off this wednesday cause i hav to attend this one course organise by CIMB unit trust. And i need to complete my registration by tomorrow and i hope everythings gonnabe ok for me.
And heavy rain yesterday remind me of something. Something that i used to forget but always keep coming back. Hey u people out there!! Still phobia driving in heavy rain? yahh.. i guess u still. Be good k.
And sorry for this useless n crappy entry. Not in a good mood anyway but still.. it's a nice day to be alive :)
And Yesterday is also my very first time since Februari, im sleeping at home for this year. Because before this i used to sleep somewhere outside, but cant tell u where laaa.. just my closest friends know where it is. :)
And im off this wednesday cause i hav to attend this one course organise by CIMB unit trust. And i need to complete my registration by tomorrow and i hope everythings gonnabe ok for me.
And heavy rain yesterday remind me of something. Something that i used to forget but always keep coming back. Hey u people out there!! Still phobia driving in heavy rain? yahh.. i guess u still. Be good k.
And sorry for this useless n crappy entry. Not in a good mood anyway but still.. it's a nice day to be alive :)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
A Strong Woman..
Actually i'm kinda bored today coz i hav no idea for my entry. So i just open n surfing into myspace then i've found this. And this is dedicated to woman all over the world. :) enjoy..
A Strong Woman
is one who feels deeply
and love fiercely.
Her tears flow
just as abundantly
as her laughter.
A Strong Woman
is both soft and powerful.
She is both
practical and spiritual.
A Strong Woman
in her essence
is a gift to all the world.
the end.. and cdt goes to Aisha - my buddies gf.. :)
A Strong Woman
is one who feels deeply
and love fiercely.
Her tears flow
just as abundantly
as her laughter.
A Strong Woman
is both soft and powerful.
She is both
practical and spiritual.
A Strong Woman
in her essence
is a gift to all the world.
the end.. and cdt goes to Aisha - my buddies gf.. :)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Commercial Break Part 4
Ada masa aku tringat zaman skolah aku.. dan ini antara lagu yang aku sker dengau zaman tu.. enjoy my pren...
and this is the other one.. asyik sungguh dowhh aku layan.. Nostalgia zaman lama.. old skool. perghhh!!!.. Aku pun gheti gak nak layan2 lagu jiwang nie.. ingat aku tader prasaan ka? muhahahahhahahaha
and this is the other one.. asyik sungguh dowhh aku layan.. Nostalgia zaman lama.. old skool. perghhh!!!.. Aku pun gheti gak nak layan2 lagu jiwang nie.. ingat aku tader prasaan ka? muhahahahhahahaha
Monday, July 16, 2007
This is me..

Harini aku cam blur kejap, khayal dalam dunia aku yang tersendiri yang penuh dengan keasyikan. Aku jadi macam taktau nak buat apa-apa, macam Ultraman yg dengan slamber bodO kena fire ngan resakse. Tapi macam biasa, Ultraman akan dapat balik power dia and kick ass itu resakse sebab dia hero cite dan dah tajuk citer dia pun dah memang Ultraman dowh..
Tapi aku tanak jadi cam Ultraman sebab aku syukur dengan diri aku. Dan menjadi diri sendiri adalah perkara yang paling bagus buat aku. Ayat cam poyo la plak, cuma aku perlu serapkan semangat Monkey D Luffy dalam diri aku. Kalau korang nak tau sapa Luffy korang pergi cari kat internet nie. Ada Wikipedia dia dan gambar kat atas nie yang pakai topi jerami.
Walau macam mana teruk dan walau sucks gler babeng pun life aku. Aku terima semua dengan senyuman sebab setiap kali aku bangun tidur aku rasa aku masih bernafas. Dan aku rasa aku mampu corakkan hidup aku dengan cara yang aku nak. Sebab apa? Cause it's a nice day to be alive.. :)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Mistaken Identity
Happy weekend to everyone. First of all i just wanna let u know my reason doing this blog. Actually this blog supposed to be making money oriented. By publishing my blog everywhere to earn money from google adsense. And also to improve my english which is so broken just like i said before. Is my word correct? Correct me if i'm wrong. But then, i'm not quite happy with the statistic on my google account about the money i earn even i know im not doing it well. So i guess, better for me to campuradukkan dan menggulaikarikan bahasa. Sounds good enough? hehehehe
Jadi, kira-kiranya yang nie jadik pokok pangkal utk aku mencampur adukkan bahsa biar jadi tunggang langgang tonggeng tebalek yang aku rasa biar orang malaysia jer tau apa yang aku taip. So, <--- salah satu pertambahan ayat yang merosakkan bahsa malaysia yang mana rakyatnya dah banyak yang rosak.. aku nak bagitau yang minggu depan aku akan mendaftar. Utk apa? Kena la ushar balik aku punya previous entry. Hehehehe.. dan aku kena bersiap sedia menyemartkan diri aku dan melengkapkan kepala otak aku dengan pemikiran yang tahap gaban dia punya ready dan mentelaah dan mengkaji selidik apa yang perlu sebagai persediaan aku utk menghadapi kursus dan priksa yg cam ala ala zaman aku skolah dulu utk pastikan aku lulus secepat yg mungkin. Cuma rambut aku jer yang dah mengilai sampai takat bahu yg srabai tapi aku ikat kemas gak time kuar, blom ready utk dikorbankan utk bulan nie. Mebbe minggu kedua bulan depan aku ready kot dan atas sebab apa.. tayah la korang tau, korang bukan bz body kan? Dan by the end of this month im stepping into one new world. In order to be the different of me. Totally!! And i really mean it such as an important breaking point in my life.
So.. kengkorang kat luar sana, doakanlah utk perubahan diri aku dan aku juga pasti akan berbuat yang sama utk korang. Cukup dengan sgala kebodohan diri selama ini yang jauh dari jalan bercahaya .. sebab dah korner time nak masuk simpang trus masuk jalan gelap. Seb baik ada kawan yang tunjukkan jalan utk aku dan trima kasih aku ucapkn yang bukan sedikit.. tapi stinggi .. errr.. tinggi apa ek? Setinggi tinggi tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua.. Ekkekekeekek. And for those person, i do really appreciate ur kindness.
Dan nota kaki : sentiasa ingat selalu, jgn mudah mengalah dan jgn bermuram ala 6 jahanam yang nak kena balas dendam dengan p.ramlee, sentiasa tayang gigi korang dan tunjukkan lesung pipit yang ada.. kalau ada laa.. tader tu jgn nak prasan. Dan slalu syukur sebab ianya hari yang bagus sebab kita masih bernafas. Its a nice day to be alive. Peace!!
Jadi, kira-kiranya yang nie jadik pokok pangkal utk aku mencampur adukkan bahsa biar jadi tunggang langgang tonggeng tebalek yang aku rasa biar orang malaysia jer tau apa yang aku taip. So, <--- salah satu pertambahan ayat yang merosakkan bahsa malaysia yang mana rakyatnya dah banyak yang rosak.. aku nak bagitau yang minggu depan aku akan mendaftar. Utk apa? Kena la ushar balik aku punya previous entry. Hehehehe.. dan aku kena bersiap sedia menyemartkan diri aku dan melengkapkan kepala otak aku dengan pemikiran yang tahap gaban dia punya ready dan mentelaah dan mengkaji selidik apa yang perlu sebagai persediaan aku utk menghadapi kursus dan priksa yg cam ala ala zaman aku skolah dulu utk pastikan aku lulus secepat yg mungkin. Cuma rambut aku jer yang dah mengilai sampai takat bahu yg srabai tapi aku ikat kemas gak time kuar, blom ready utk dikorbankan utk bulan nie. Mebbe minggu kedua bulan depan aku ready kot dan atas sebab apa.. tayah la korang tau, korang bukan bz body kan? Dan by the end of this month im stepping into one new world. In order to be the different of me. Totally!! And i really mean it such as an important breaking point in my life.
So.. kengkorang kat luar sana, doakanlah utk perubahan diri aku dan aku juga pasti akan berbuat yang sama utk korang. Cukup dengan sgala kebodohan diri selama ini yang jauh dari jalan bercahaya .. sebab dah korner time nak masuk simpang trus masuk jalan gelap. Seb baik ada kawan yang tunjukkan jalan utk aku dan trima kasih aku ucapkn yang bukan sedikit.. tapi stinggi .. errr.. tinggi apa ek? Setinggi tinggi tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua.. Ekkekekeekek. And for those person, i do really appreciate ur kindness.
Dan nota kaki : sentiasa ingat selalu, jgn mudah mengalah dan jgn bermuram ala 6 jahanam yang nak kena balas dendam dengan p.ramlee, sentiasa tayang gigi korang dan tunjukkan lesung pipit yang ada.. kalau ada laa.. tader tu jgn nak prasan. Dan slalu syukur sebab ianya hari yang bagus sebab kita masih bernafas. Its a nice day to be alive. Peace!!
Friday, July 13, 2007
Padan Muka!!
My routine life is just like this. Wake up on 5.30a.m, do what do i hav to do, then go to work and also calling me friend for wake up call cause she dont know how to wake up by herself. What laaa?? but..its fun. Wake up ur friend by calling them.
And after finish my work around 12 today, i take photo for registration at photo shop around my place then i go to my club. It's friday remember? And i totally forgot that i hav to solat Jumaat but then when i stay at cyber cafe around 2, come this fella asking me for my ic. "Bak ic jap..sronok main chat? banyak dapat awek?" he ask me..but i just keep on smiling then giv my ic to him. And its not just me cause another 12 people outside having the same experience, they kick our ass into this ugly van or what they call it? Whatever.. then they drive us to balai polis Cheras for urine test. And luckily, i have nothing to worry cause im clean. No drugs, no alcohol, no ice, no free sex hehehe.. kidding. And most of us clean enough to get charged. And u know what? They taking us from our place by van.. then they release us just like that. One of my friend said "buat ugi duit nak bayar cab balik jer nie kang, dah angkut bukan nak antar balik " and that is so damn true. And here i am, sitting back infront of this to blogging this silly thing. And to one of my friend, enjoy ur dinner at Legend.
And this is the video clip for today - "padan muka aku"
video klip tader kena mengena ngan padan muka aku.. tapi stakat nak layan tension dengar lagu keras sket.. but cool :)
And after finish my work around 12 today, i take photo for registration at photo shop around my place then i go to my club. It's friday remember? And i totally forgot that i hav to solat Jumaat but then when i stay at cyber cafe around 2, come this fella asking me for my ic. "Bak ic jap..sronok main chat? banyak dapat awek?" he ask me..but i just keep on smiling then giv my ic to him. And its not just me cause another 12 people outside having the same experience, they kick our ass into this ugly van or what they call it? Whatever.. then they drive us to balai polis Cheras for urine test. And luckily, i have nothing to worry cause im clean. No drugs, no alcohol, no ice, no free sex hehehe.. kidding. And most of us clean enough to get charged. And u know what? They taking us from our place by van.. then they release us just like that. One of my friend said "buat ugi duit nak bayar cab balik jer nie kang, dah angkut bukan nak antar balik " and that is so damn true. And here i am, sitting back infront of this to blogging this silly thing. And to one of my friend, enjoy ur dinner at Legend.
And this is the video clip for today - "padan muka aku"
video klip tader kena mengena ngan padan muka aku.. tapi stakat nak layan tension dengar lagu keras sket.. but cool :)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Commercial Break Part 3
actually its been a month im not listening to this music. So.. let's share and this is just another commercial break from me.. nice song. :)
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Commercial Break Part 2
this is just my mind
a way to keep time
clasping at straws
grabbing at branches
i was supposed to go and see my blind date tonight
but its full moon
and i can't feel the top of my head
i do not understand..
do you find people hate you now?
all those years ago you must have thought yourself invincible.
oh but hate takes too much effort.
i am sorry for us.
so sorry..
ps: credit to dead air space
this is just my mind
a way to keep time
clasping at straws
grabbing at branches
i was supposed to go and see my blind date tonight
but its full moon
and i can't feel the top of my head
i do not understand..
do you find people hate you now?
all those years ago you must have thought yourself invincible.
oh but hate takes too much effort.
i am sorry for us.
so sorry..
ps: credit to dead air space
Commercial Break Part 1
7 out of 10
could try harder
could do better, lacks correct motivation
my opinion?? (of course) he`s crackerjack (u know)
lacks motivation, full of own self importance
always shoothing his mouth off
tends to stray from the path
Not as good as that one there...
no not this one category..
never was..
never will be again,
the only way is down,,
so now ambels around aimlessly...
casting around for that magic.. me
it is denied...
searches for own epitaph in graveyard.
ps : credit to dead air space.
could try harder
could do better, lacks correct motivation
my opinion?? (of course) he`s crackerjack (u know)
lacks motivation, full of own self importance
always shoothing his mouth off
tends to stray from the path
Not as good as that one there...
no not this one category..
never was..
never will be again,
the only way is down,,
so now ambels around aimlessly...
casting around for that magic.. me
it is denied...
searches for own epitaph in graveyard.
ps : credit to dead air space.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Actually..i do hav plan today. To hang out with my friends to watch a movieTransformers. But then.. i sms him and call him but he's not yet wake up. So i just go to JPN to renew mykad cause the previous one is already broke into two. Then here i am. Sitting infront this pc surfing on internet, chatting and playing quiz on irc. Wutelse to do? Just like yesterday, im supposed to hav a blind date.. hehehe. But its not happen so i just stay here.. Im stuck!!!..
My next step is to open CIMB account and i wonder, where is the closest CIMB from my place? Yah.. i need to check it out after this. And listening to big hits of 90's on yahoo launchcast, make me feel like i'm 10 years younger than how i am today :)
ps : just smile to ppl and u get it back in return.. what a beautiful life.. :)
My next step is to open CIMB account and i wonder, where is the closest CIMB from my place? Yah.. i need to check it out after this. And listening to big hits of 90's on yahoo launchcast, make me feel like i'm 10 years younger than how i am today :)
ps : just smile to ppl and u get it back in return.. what a beautiful life.. :)
And today is the most boring day in my life. The worst and sucks from any day.
And i dont even receive any sms from any friend of mine. And im bored to dead. And why is Sunday this lately is always a boring day for me?? why??
Got any answer me fren?
And i dont even receive any sms from any friend of mine. And im bored to dead. And why is Sunday this lately is always a boring day for me?? why??
Got any answer me fren?
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Tag for charity
I've been tagged by layd^lurv aka ummi.. and its for charity anyway.. And this is my support to u Mr Idham for Darul Izzah Orphanage.
1. A person is only as good as .human being....................................
2. Friendship is always ..good and miserable for me??
3. To love is friends forever and stuck forever?? hehehe
4. Money makes me...happy and greedy and enjoyable
5. I miss memories
6. My way of saying I care is by my concern n responsibility.
7. I try to spread love and happiness by..sending sms just like the others
8. Pick the flowers not gonna do that..unless i was miserable enough
9. To love someone is be love in return till the end of time.....
10. Beauty is..mystery..............................................................
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most so happy coz i've got nothing to worry about......................
12. When I was twenty one, I remember..hanging out with mazrin and listen to the cranberries song..................................................
13. I am most happy when .i dont even hav a problem..................................
14. Nothing makes me happier than dream come true................
15. If I can change one thing, I will change..there is no IF in this world.......
16. If smiles were..always fake.........then I..rather be alone.........
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we in the world without corruption
18. If you want to .get some............then you have to ..gain some..............
19. Money is not everything but..if u dont hav money, u got nothing..........................
20. The most touching moments I have experienced is..atas bumbung One Utama.(my secret) ...............
21. I smile when..i wanted to.................................................
22. When I am happy, I..wanna make sure ppl around me also happy....................................
23. If only I don't have to .cry.............., then.....i smile..always....................
24. The best thing I did yesterday was still smiling even in anger
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,"..How to live as a loser .................................."
26. One thing I must do before I die is..get married n having a baby.........................
27. Doing this meme, I feel like ..headache hehehe..........................
I'm done doing this.
1. A person is only as good as .human being....................................
2. Friendship is always ..good and miserable for me??
3. To love is friends forever and stuck forever?? hehehe
4. Money makes me...happy and greedy and enjoyable
5. I miss memories
6. My way of saying I care is by my concern n responsibility.
7. I try to spread love and happiness by..sending sms just like the others
8. Pick the flowers not gonna do that..unless i was miserable enough
9. To love someone is be love in return till the end of time.....
10. Beauty is..mystery..............................................................
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most so happy coz i've got nothing to worry about......................
12. When I was twenty one, I remember..hanging out with mazrin and listen to the cranberries song..................................................
13. I am most happy when .i dont even hav a problem..................................
14. Nothing makes me happier than dream come true................
15. If I can change one thing, I will change..there is no IF in this world.......
16. If smiles were..always fake.........then I..rather be alone.........
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we in the world without corruption
18. If you want to .get some............then you have to ..gain some..............
19. Money is not everything but..if u dont hav money, u got nothing..........................
20. The most touching moments I have experienced is..atas bumbung One Utama.(my secret) ...............
21. I smile when..i wanted to.................................................
22. When I am happy, I..wanna make sure ppl around me also happy....................................
23. If only I don't have to .cry.............., then.....i smile..always....................
24. The best thing I did yesterday was still smiling even in anger
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title,"..How to live as a loser .................................."
26. One thing I must do before I die is..get married n having a baby.........................
27. Doing this meme, I feel like ..headache hehehe..........................
I'm done doing this.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Well.. first of all, Happy Birthday to my dear fren and u know who u are. And sorry to you cause i was supposed to call you last night to sing you a birthday song but then i just call u this morning to sing it for you. And sorry also for not accompany you to see ur investors today and i shouldn't say NO to a birthday girl. Im so sorry also cause i'm out of cash to buy something for you on your precious day. I do have plan, but have to cancelled for good reason. And i just can wish u hav a great day and may God bless you my friend. And dont think about how old are u but just think about how nice u are. :)
Next story is..DAMN!!!! Thierry Henry is moving to Barcelona? What the F**k is he doing? Money for sure and new environment. Ermm.. and its not easy for Arsenal to take lead on this new premier season. And by the way, Barca is one of my favourite team outside premier leageu. Im just not happy with the moving anyway and it is not good for Arsenal even they still have alot of young player which is energetic, inspired n hungry for the championship title.
And what's next?? There's nothing more for today unless i already put another few name on my friendlist. And also a few things to settle down this week. Quite lonely but still happy. And i think i need a gf before fasting day. But ..err.. is anyone out there available for me? I mean someone like me? Muahahaha.. just kidding. But some people dont believe me when i told them i dont have a gf. What a life but.. life is still great. Cause for me.. remember dis word " its a nice day to be alive" rite? :)
Till we meet again. Salamss...
Next story is..DAMN!!!! Thierry Henry is moving to Barcelona? What the F**k is he doing? Money for sure and new environment. Ermm.. and its not easy for Arsenal to take lead on this new premier season. And by the way, Barca is one of my favourite team outside premier leageu. Im just not happy with the moving anyway and it is not good for Arsenal even they still have alot of young player which is energetic, inspired n hungry for the championship title.
And what's next?? There's nothing more for today unless i already put another few name on my friendlist. And also a few things to settle down this week. Quite lonely but still happy. And i think i need a gf before fasting day. But ..err.. is anyone out there available for me? I mean someone like me? Muahahaha.. just kidding. But some people dont believe me when i told them i dont have a gf. What a life but.. life is still great. Cause for me.. remember dis word " its a nice day to be alive" rite? :)
Till we meet again. Salamss...
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Another Boring Day..
Heh.. got nothing to do anyway.. then i read again my blog. Seems like this is not the real me. Too straight, too formal, too boring. But first of all, i wanna show my sympathy to my P lady for loosing her grandpa last few days. And as a friend, i'm so sorry cause i can't be there for you.
And bout the thing that i have to do, i need to postponed for another week coz i do still hav a lot of debt to settle down. And yet, im still not qualified as a wealth advisor cause i have to attend the exam and practical and so on and so on first. But nevermind, no need to rush about every single thing. Go slow but not to slow and still moving, low profile doesn't mean i give up or what. And just wanna let you know one thing, i born in a year of the dragon so..silent before destroy everything. :) well.. i just donno what to say anymore cause my english is not so f**kin good. But broken english will do laaa as long as u guys can understand.
Till then.. for people who still alive in this world, appreciate what u got and enjoy every single moment u have. Cause it's a nice day to be alive.
And bout the thing that i have to do, i need to postponed for another week coz i do still hav a lot of debt to settle down. And yet, im still not qualified as a wealth advisor cause i have to attend the exam and practical and so on and so on first. But nevermind, no need to rush about every single thing. Go slow but not to slow and still moving, low profile doesn't mean i give up or what. And just wanna let you know one thing, i born in a year of the dragon so..silent before destroy everything. :) well.. i just donno what to say anymore cause my english is not so f**kin good. But broken english will do laaa as long as u guys can understand.
Till then.. for people who still alive in this world, appreciate what u got and enjoy every single moment u have. Cause it's a nice day to be alive.
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